

I absolutely loved my style guide that Amanda created to help inform my style choices for a recent trip. Amanda read my style colors and style archetype which I was able to use to help inform outfits that would help me stand out while also feeling my best self. Amanda not only provided outfit ideas but also accessory suggestions including this amazing hat which became my statement piece throughout Italy. I would definitely recommend Amanda's style guide session for anyone who needs a little extra help uncovering their inner confidence like myself.

— AV

Mom of 4 here! I'm either with my kiddos or working with clients in office. My daily attire consists of yoga pants and tank tops and I'm either covered in snot, food treatment oil or pain creams. No more. I had my style guide last weekend with Amanda and I was FLOORED. Amanda helped me get in touch with my stylish feminine side. She was able to add a twist of style and sophistication to the old me (years ago!) that actually took time for self care before...well, life!

— TL

I absolutely loved receiving my style guide! Amanda is a GIFT to this world. She so lovingly reflects the essence of YOU through style, expression, color, energy in a way that I felt deeply seen and left with a greater appreciation of this beautiful vessel (my body) I'm traveling around in. My reading from Amanda made me feel so good about myself and left me feeling special (and I f**king love feeling special)! The way Amanda curates and delivers this information felt like a complete gift to myself — an ultimate act of self care.

— BP

I was completely blown away by my intuitive styling session with Amanda! Amanda's true talent is her intuitive ability to see who you are as a person and create the perfect wardrobe to match. Working with her is like giving a wonderful gift to yourself.

— LS

Amanda's intuitive style edit gave me permission to be who I am, wear alllll the chunky grandma sweaters of my dreams, and feel deeply, deeply seen. Her work is joyful, lovely medicine.

— KC

I connected with Amanda about helping me explore how I could embrace Spring/Summer clothing, with the intention to enjoy these seasons a little bit more, since they have always been particularly challenging mood-wise. The intuitive style edit gave me direction & clear questions I could ask myself when deciding on clothing to wear. This experience was not only fun, but I believe has also truly added a sense of lightness to an otherwise fairly dark time of year for me. Amanda absolutely nailed it!

— AD

You are a dream to work with, a brilliant source of expression wisdom. I wish everyone could experience your services.

— VM

I really appreciated that you recognized how magical I am, and the messages and recommendations you had for me were very easy to implement and plan for the near future. I felt so cared for throughout the process, and would recommend you to anyone looking for a style upgrade.

— KL

I would highly recommend Amanda. She was knowledgeable and personable. I felt at ease with her and knew my photo shoot would turn out amazing. I’m overweight and clothing for me can be tricky. Amanda made me feel at total ease about my style I needed to wear to look great for the photo shoot. Amanda is Fabulous!!!

— KT

My style guide with Amanda was nothing short of magical. My desired style is a bit more fantastical and Amanda saw my need to express myself through my style more than I currently do. She offered suggestions that were attainable and just enough of a stretch out of what I usually wear to show me the depths of the uplevel I am currently in to allow my style to assist in this new frequency I am finding! Thank you so much Amanda!

— EJ

I have felt confused about my style for a few years now. I've gone through major shifts personally and professionally and just felt a bit lost when it came to my style. After my reading with Amanda I felt freed up to explore different colors and looks that I wouldn't typically do. I also felt so seen and safe with her during the process. She truly is gifted at what she does.

— SJ

This experience was fun and Amanda is lovely and easy to work with! The intuitive style guide gave me direction to take action on my next purchases and confidence in the moment. It is such a tailored experience and left me with a guide and freedom to go out and express my whole self from using how I show up daily on the inside and carrying those feelings to the outside in a fun, loving collaboration. The style archetype is powerful and a great reflection to whom I am and I very much appreciated seeing Amanda's magic of pulling that into the pieces she chose as examples for my wardrobe. We did a spring/summer guide but excited to see what fall/winter looks like and work with Amanda more.

— KG